27, 28 en 29 januari 2026  |  Evenementenhal Gorinchem


Groot Hart Foundation

Groot Hart: Unique racing experience for seriously ill children

Actually, it cannot be done at all: driving sick children around in a real race car on a real circuit, just before a race starts. Let that be exactly what Groot Hart has been doing for years, thanks to the cooperation of just about everyone in the motor racing world: famous drivers, professional race teams and all the circuits in and around the Netherlands.

The whole family, as well as friends, will be shown around the pits, have their photo taken with celebrities, be treated to snacks and drinks and get to sit in all kinds of racing cars. The highlight of the day is a lap of the track at full speed alongside a real racing driver. As long as the passenger gives the thumb up, the throttle goes down. Sometimes to speeds well above 200 kilometres per hour. Of course, the children receive proof of this in the form of a signed certificate.

Auto Prof and Groot Hart team up

Auto Prof 2025 is proud to announce that the Groot Hart Foundation has been chosen as the official charity of the event. Recently, the Auto Prof team visited Groot Hart at Circuit Zandvoort. The enthusiasm and joy these children exude make a lasting impression.

Kai Dompeling, Campaign Marketer Auto Prof, says of the partnership: ‘At Auto Prof, we believe that the power of the industry extends beyond technology and innovation. It is also about connecting and making an impact. The Groot Hart Foundation offers in a wonderful way, seriously ill children the chance to put aside their worries for a moment and shine for a day. We are therefore incredibly proud to support them during Auto Prof 2025.’

Are you racing for the Groot Hart Foundation?

This year, Auto Prof 2025 offers visitors and exhibitors a unique opportunity: get into a real racing car and experience the thrill of motorsport for yourself around the Auto Prof event grounds. By doing so, you not only give yourself, business associates, customers or friends an unforgettable experience, but you directly support the wonderful mission of Groot Hart. All proceeds from these rides go directly to the Groot Hart Foundation.

Auto Prof op bezoek bij Stichting Groot Hart

Do you support Groot Hart on Auto Prof 2025?

The Groot Hart Foundation makes unforgettable and complete racing experiences possible for seriously ill children. With your help, the Groot Hart Foundation can make even more children’s hearts beat faster in the future and continue to organise unique events for children for whom health cannot be taken for granted. During Auto Prof 2025, special attention will be paid to the Groot Hart Foundation.

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