27, 28 en 29 januari 2026  |  Evenementenhal Gorinchem


Promotion possibilities

Promotion possibilities

Of course you can completely style your own stand in your company’s house style in order to stand out to visitors during the trade show. But have you ever thought about another form of brand expression? With our sponsor packages you can present yourself prior to the trade show. Think of visibility on the homepage of the trade show website or a promo video that we will record at your location.

There are also plenty of options during the trade show! Label the barriers so that visitors see your company name first or reserve a flagpole and give visitors a warm welcome. Would you rather come to the attention of other exhibitors? Stand out by sponsoring an item in the exhibitor restaurant, such as the dessert or placemats.

The possibilities are almost endless! View the options below. Please note: some items have limited availability.

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